Ranking Dick’s: #12 08/31/2013 (2013 N2)
Set 1: Buried Alive, AC/DC Bag > Wolfman’s Brother, Yarmouth Road, Fee> Halfway to the Moon, The Wedge, Halley’s Comet > Bathtub Gin, Bouncing Around the Room, Mound, Gumbo > Run Like an Antelope
Set 2: Chalk Dust Torture, Light -> 46 Days > Steam -> Free, Joy > Also Sprach Zarathustra > Tweezer > Backwards Down the Number Line
Encore: On the Road Again> Tweezer Reprise
Quick Lowdown: This show is best remembered for the big “CDT” that opens the second set. This show was hands down the best of the 2013 run and holds up nicely. A decent first set, some killer second set highlights, and an awesome encore. Another show that has serious highlights but lacks the overall flow of the top Dick rankings.
Set 1 Recap: Not many better openers than “Burried Alive”! Follow that with “Bag” and “Wolfman’s” and you are off to a hell of a start. “Wolfman’s” is another solid Dick’s version bringing the funk early. “Yarmouth” always seems weird in a set to me but “Fee” is a killer rebound. Things go standard fare until yet another smoking Dick’s “Bathtub Gin”. This is the set 1 jamming highlight. This “Gin” is a full energy rocket fueled Page piano inspired 1.0 throwback. Trey straight owns it from about the 9:30 mark on. Wasn’t sure Trey still had that in him. Must hear. “Gumbo>Lope” ends things nicely.
Set 2 Recap: The opening “CDT” is one of the best in its storied history. This 23 min escapade has grown on me over time. It is a journey in exploration and yet still finds time to throwdown. I used to be on the side that it meanders a bit over time, but after some recent concentrated listens I have serious love for this version. From there things are pretty standard. “Steam>Free” is a cool transition and “2001” is always fun. That rhymed. The other standout is an excellent late set “Tweezer”. Clocking in at just over 12 minutes this “Tweezer” is easy to sleep on. Don’t. It is gorgeous and gets a lot done very quickly and feature some more top notch Trey. Unfortunately it concludes with a jarring segue into “BDTNL”.
Encore: “On the Road Again” was simply perfect. Amazing choice and even better execution. They nailed it. Plus “Tweezer Repriese”? Yeah that is a memorable encore!
The Takeaways: “Bathtub Gin”, “CDT”, “Tweezer”, “On the Road Again”
This Show Summed Up in One Gif: